“The Authentic Self is soul made visible.”

therapy for those who are ready to step into their truth.

Online therapy for New York residents


About you

On the outside, you have it “together.” You check all the boxes - job, friends, romantic partnership(s), family. On the inside, it’s a different story. Although you have a lot of your shit together, there are still things that are missing or that don’t feel quite right. You notice that you are going through your days mostly on autopilot and lay in bed at night wondering how you got here…anxious, disconnected, unfulfilled, dissatisfied and away from yourself.

[you realize that throughout your life, you’ve been living for everyone but yourself.]

Along the way, you have cut off or disowned parts of yourself and your dreams to fit the mold and the path that was expected of you. You’ve played it safe (you’ve had to) and in the process have kept yourself small and away from living a life that is authentic for you.

You want and know you can have more. You are ready for change.


Despite being super creative, thoughtful, smart, and motivated, my clients come to therapy initially feeling a sense of disconnection (from others, the world, themselves, and their lives) often through experiences of traumas, pressures, life changes, and/or expectations placed upon them by family, society, culture, or even themselves.

On top of that, they intimately know the pressure to keep it going while things continue to pile up. Initially, they are hesitant to reach out for support and often find themselves scrolling through a million therapy profiles only to convince themselves yet again that they should just suck it up, that their problems are not “big” enough for therapy, or that they’ll reach out some other time.


You know what?

I get it.

Reaching out for support can be so hard and for many of my clients, there has been constant messaging to believe that you need to hold it together for everyone around you.

You haven’t been given the room or been allowed to have your own dreams, have or express emotions, speak your mind, stand up for yourself, have needs, or prioritize yourself.

That’s real.

AND it doesn't have to be your full story. Imagine not having to give up or put aside your own needs and desires for others. Imagine waking up each day living a more connected, authentic, empowered, and unstuck life.

Here at my practice, I am passionate about helping my clients reconnect with the parts of themselves and their dreams that have been lost and dismissed along the way, shift the narratives, communicate differently, set boundaries, empower them to stand in their truths, and live more authentic and aligned lives.

*If you’ve been on the fence of reaching out, take this as a sign. Whether it be with me or with another clinician, I encourage you bet on yourself and reach out.



I’m Dr. Janine O’Brien.

I am a licensed clinical psychologist in NY. I’ve been on my own journey and am passionate about helping others on theirs.

I also really love the outdoors (when it’s warm and sunny), fitness, podcasts, music, dancing, daydreaming, and dark chocolate.

Areas of focus




Perfectionism & overachievement



hand-drawn aim target icon

attachment & Dependency

hand-drawn armchair icon

working with shame

hand-drawn simplified needles in back acupuncture icon

Career & Work concerns/stress


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